Let’s work together

Talon Review Editorial Team Application

Applications Accepted from: February 15-March 10

Decisions by: March 18th

Interested in pursuing the publishing industry after graduation? Looking to gain invaluable, hands-on experience working with an editorial team to build your resume? Want to know more about how creative work gets published in small press publishing? The Talon Review is looking for editors, graphic designers, administrative team members, and/or editorial readers upcoming academic year. Please note that these are volunteer positions and do require a commitment for Fall 2025 and Spring 2026.

Please answer the following questions to your best ability in the body of your message below. New editorial team members will be selected by the end of Spring. Please note that these are competitive positions, and we may not be able to provide formal rejections for all candidates that apply. 

1) What are your interests in the genre for which you’re applying? Please indicate if you are interested or have experience in more than one genre. 

2) Please mention any previous classes taken, publications, awards, or experience that you have that would be applicable for an editorial position. *Please note: former awards, publications, and/or editorial experience are not required to be considered for an editorial position, although we invite a willingness to learn in lieu of direct experience. 

3) Name a piece of art or literature that most recently moved you and describe why. 

You want to be a part of the Talon Review, but you don’t know what kind of position to take up, or what kind of responsibilities certain positions entail. Here’s a description of possible roles: 

❖ Editor-in-Chief: Overlooks entire project process; weighs decisions with group input; sets deadlines; direct contact with Managing Editor; has final say in what pieces are accepted into issue and is responsible for emailing acceptances and rejections. In charge of overseeing all things event planning and advertising for Talon issues and events. 

❖ Managing Editor: Supports the duties of the Editor-in-Chief; makes sure deadlines are met. Assists EIC manage staff with event planning, advertising, and decisions regarding the issue. Assists EIC with final decisions and organizes acceptances and rejections for EIC to email. 

❖ Genre Editor (i.e. Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Editor, Visual Art): Organizes submissions for their genres and assigns readers to them. Organizes readers’ decisions on genre pieces. Has the final say on their genre’s pieces from the readers’ selections. Brings editorial suggestions to EIC for group input. 1 Genre editor per genre. Current genres include: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Art, and Audio/Video. 

❖ Readers/Assistant Editors: A group of five to seven individuals whose main role is to—you guessed it—read through submissions. They also have a vote in decisions suggested by the Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor and can volunteer to help with tasks throughout the publication process. 

❖ Layout/Design Editor(s): Must know how to use InDesign, and if they do not, they must learn as soon as possible. They are pretty much the creator of the actual issue. Must consistently update EIC and ME on the status of book layout/design process. ➢ May have extra team members, the way genre editors have readers. In that case, it’s the editor’s job to delegate assignments and manage members. 

❖ Web Designer: In charge of updating the website; must familiarize themselves with Squarespace’s editor (it’s pretty intuitive, to be honest). It would be useful if they also knew how to play with Squarespace’s code. Can be combined with: 

❖ Social Media Editor(s): Adheres to Talon’s theme and keeps everything up-to-date on Instagram and Facebook; comes up with advertising campaigns and relays them to EIC; introduces the new staff through posts; markets the new issue with quotes and artwork. ➢ May have extra team members, the way genre editors have readers. In that case, it’s the editor’s job to delegate assignments and manage members. 

❖ Public Relations: Plans events at UNF and greater Jacksonville community; public outreach newsletters; community involvement on and off campus; responds to email inquiries.